LifeLabs, Canada’s Largest Medical Laboratory, Trusts in varvis®

Toronto, ON, June 11, 2019 — LifeLabs, Canada’s largest medical laboratory, has chosen the varvis software platform to power its genetic testing operations.

Ben Liesfeld


“We decided to use varvis for our most complex genetic tests which encompass almost all known disease-causing genes,” explains Dr. Ron Carter, Director, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, LifeLabs. “varvis is ideally suited to support a high-throughput workflow for complex genetic diagnostics.”

“Limbus is already serving some of the largest laboratory service providers in Europe,” adds Ben Liesfeld, Managing Director of Limbus Medical Techologies GmbH, Rostock. “We are very proud that the leading Canadian health and technology company, LifeLabs, now also considers varvis to be a good fit for their processes.”

The varvis software platform has been designed with the distributed workflow of large teams in mind. The software is highly automated and not only delivers data about small genomic variants, but also about larger copy-number variations.

“Most importantly for a clinical laboratory, however, we also provide clinical validation of our software,” explains Ben Liesfeld. “Validation is crucial for clinical laboratories and may cause significant additional workload. We provide this as a service to our customers.”

About varvis

The clinical decision support system varvis, designed by Limbus Medical Technologies GmbH, Rostock, Germany, is a cloud-based software system to filter and evaluate genetic sequencing data. varvis is a complete solution for the entire NGS workflow, supporting automated NGS raw data processing, genomics data management, and variant interpretation, significantly increasing the efficiency and diagnostic yield in clinical genetics. varvis is a Class I medical device compliant with EU regulations. For more information about varvis, visit

About LifeLabs

LifeLabs is Canada’s leading provider of laboratory diagnostic information and digital health connectivity systems enabling patients and healthcare practitioners to diagnose, treat, monitor, and prevent disease. We support 20 million patient visits annually and conduct over 100 million laboratory tests through leading edge technologies and our 5,700 talented and dedicated employees. We are a committed innovator in supporting Canadians to live healthier lives, operating Canada’s first commercial genetics lab and the country’s largest online patient portal, with more than 2.3 million Canadians receiving their results online. LifeLabs is 100% Canadian owned by OMERS Infrastructure, the infrastructure investment manager of one of Canada’s largest defined benefit pension plans. Learn more at



Ben Liesfeld

Excited about the impact of genetic diagnostics on patients’ lives. Founder of a genomics software company.